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Take Heart


Take Heart Ep:1

October 8, 2023 – Scott Veroneau
Normalizing Recovery for each believer is paramount. The church has done well to lead people to an understanding of salvation, but often, the journey stops at the Cross. In this series, we focus on one of the ministries of Community Life Church called Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery picks up in a believer’s life journey by helping to process and find healing for all of life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. In this work, we move beyond salvation and start to discover freedom in life. Each service details the ministry of CR followed by a 20-minute testimony by someone working through the steps.

Take Heart

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  • Take Heart Ep:1

    October 8, 2023 – Scott Veroneau
    Normalizing Recovery for each believer is paramount. The church has done well to lead people to an understanding of salvatio…
  • take Heart Ep:2

    October 2, 2023 – Scott Veroneau
    Normalizing Recovery for each believer is paramount. The church has done well to lead people to an understanding of salvatio…