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Share your prayer request by clicking the button below, and our prayer team will join you in prayer.


Share your prayer request by clicking the button below, and our prayer team will join you in prayer.



The prayer labyrinth is located on the north side of the building, near the Butterfly Garden. The Labyrinth is open to anyone looking to pray and meditate on God. It is gently lit at night.

What is a Prayer Labyrinth?

A prayer labyrinth is a sacred path and space used for prayer, meditation, and contemplation. A labyrinth is not a maze but a single path to follow to the center, and the same path leads out. Because there is no reason to be concerned with getting ‘lost,’ the heart and soul can engage the Labyrinth more intuitively to find communication with God in new, deeper, and more meaningful ways.

Labyrinths are pathways, often large enough to walk on, that Christians have used as spiritual tools for at least 1600 years. In today’s world, Christians walk the pathways of labyrinths for a variety of purposes, including prayer and meditation, for help finding the Center of their living, facilitating calm and stillness in a hectic world, finding clarity amidst life’s challenges and opportunities, and for listening to God.

Centering Prayer


Centering Prayer is also known as the Prayer of the Heart, Prayer of Simplicity, or Prayer of Quiet. It is a receptive, deep method of silent prayer that prepares us to open our hearts so that we may respond to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. It also familiarizes us with God’s first language ~ silence~ and is an ancient method of silent prayer, made new. It emphasizes prayer as a personal, intimate relationship with God (heart to heart). It is movement beyond words with Christ to communion with Him. When you pray, enter into your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Abba in secret…”” Mathew 6:6

Centering prayer consists of the first two stages of this wisdom-saying of Jesus. “”enter into your inner room”” and “”close the door.”

What Centering Prayer is:

1. It is, at the same time, a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship.

2. It is an exercise of faith, hope, and love.

3. It is a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion.

4. It habituates us to the language of God, which is silence.

Praying is a way of saying “YES” to God’s invitation to have a personal relationship with Him. Traditional (Discursive) prayer, where we do the talking, is the most practiced type of prayer. God created us to be unique beings; therefore, He honors a diversity of prayer expressions.”

PRayer Group
Praying in a circle

Please allow us to join our
hearts with yours in prayer.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Knitting Prayer Shawls

Prayer shawls are handmade, crocheted, or knitted by Christian’s Love and Prayer Shawl Ministry. While making the shawls, our volunteers have prayed for God to grant the recipient comfort, healing, and spiritual well-being. These prayer shawls are free for anyone in need, providing comfort and peace during an illness, grief, prayer, and meditation. If you want one of our volunteers to deliver a prayer shawl, please email

Centering Prayer


Centering Prayer is also known as the Prayer of the Heart, Prayer of Simplicity, or Prayer of Quiet. It is a receptive, deep method of silent prayer that prepares us to open our hearts so that we may respond to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. It also familiarizes us with God’s first language ~ silence~ and is an ancient method of silent prayer, made new. It emphasizes prayer as a personal, intimate relationship with God (heart to heart). It is movement beyond words with Christ to communion with Him. When you pray, enter into your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Abba in secret…” Mathew 6:6

Centering prayer consists of the first two stages of this wisdom-saying of Jesus. “enter into your inner room” and “close the door.”

What Centering Prayer is:

1. It is, at the same time, a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship.

2. It is an exercise of faith, hope, and love.

3. It is a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion.

4. It habituates us to the language of God, which is silence.

Praying is a way of saying “YES” to God’s invitation to have a personal relationship with Him. Traditional (Discursive) prayer, where we do the talking, is the most practiced type of prayer. God created us to be unique beings; therefore, He honors a diversity of prayer expressions.”

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Knitting Prayer Shawls

Prayer shawls are handmade, crocheted, or knitted by Christian’s Love and Prayer Shawl Ministry. While making the shawls, our volunteers have prayed for God to grant the recipient comfort, healing, and spiritual well-being. These prayer shawls are free for anyone in need, providing comfort and peace during an illness, grief, prayer, and meditation. If you want one of our volunteers to deliver a prayer shawl, please email