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Connect academy

Connect Children’s Ministry

Join us Sunday Mornings at 8:30 & 10am

Our goal is to partner with parents by offering spiritual guidance, Bible-based teaching, age-appropriate events, and a lot of fun! We accomplish this in a safe and secure environment where every child feels loved & has a place created specifically for them. All Children’s Ministry staff and volunteers are background checked to ensure we have the best environments for your child to come to know the God who created us and wants to have a relationship with each of us.

We have a plan to help your child discover God no matter their age! We are happy to offer care for ages birth – PreK at all three services. We use a combination of paid staff and volunteers to teach & care for your children each week as we share a lesson, snack, and activity to reinforce 3 basic truths: God made me, God loves me, Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 

In our elementary environments, Kindergarten – 5th grade, we’re helping kids grow in faith and build great friendships! We offer classes for this age group during the 8:30am and 10am services only. Each week we share fun, interactive lessons that will teach your child: I can trust God no matter what, I need to make wise choices, I should treat others the way I want to be treated….or better yet, the way Jesus treats people!

Connect Academy
Event artwork

Join us on Sunday

Children’s Sunday Morning

We offer Children’s Ministry for Babies – 5th Grades at the 8:30am and 10:00am services. *At the 11:30 A.M. Service – We offer Children’s Ministry for Babies-PRE-K ages only