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The wonders of Christmas seem to abound when we gather together on Christmas Eve with fellow believers to celebrate the greatest gift ever given to our broken world: Jesus. We sing songs, light candles, and wrap our hearts around the significance of a child born 2000 years prior; then, as quickly as it arrived, the moment passes, and we move back into our hurried lives.
But what if there is more? What if we pulled back the veil that separates the natural from the supernatural? What if we recognized that this gift of Christmas is available today, right now? How would we respond? What emotions would rise if we truly understood God’s desire to connect with our hearts?
Let Us Adore Him is a sermon series exploring real-life responses to our Christmas story. Joseph, Mary, Elizabeth, Herod, shepherds, scribes, and even angels all had a response to the Incarnation. Some were nervous, some apathetic, but others responded with obedience, sacrifice, and adoration. What will be our response?
You are invited to join us as we explore this age-old story that has moved us for thousands of years.

Living Generously

Society tends to be more generous during the holiday season. We often open our hearts to those around us in ways not typical throughout the year. We might sponsor families for Christmas gifts, purchase food items to offset costs or connect to one of the many local programs that assist those in need in a myriad of ways. It is truly beautiful to see the reach that believers can have when choosing to go beyond themselves.
Living Generously is a sermon series geared towards wrestling with some of the central scriptures related to generosity found in our Biblical text. So often, series like this are offered in churches and are followed closely by some type of financial ask or campaign. Not this series. The series aims to discover what Scripture says about living a generous life and continuing to do so. One thing is certain: generosity, as well as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, are the outflow of a Spirit-led life (Galatians 5:22-23). New Testament authors anchor these practices in the faith community and how that community shows up in the world surrounding it.
You are invited to join us as we tackle some of the most well-known stories of our faith while navigating through another holiday season that warms our hearts and offers many opportunities to be generous.


The book of Habakkuk is one of the Bible’s most interesting prophetic writings. Most oracles from prophets involve the prophet delivering God's message to people. Habakkuk is different in that it consists of the prophet talking to God on behalf of the people. Habakkuk’s complaint: Why does God allow injustice to go unpunished? God answers Habakkuk but the answer isn’t what Habakkuk expected. This answer starts a dialog in which God offers insight affirming that God not only cares about justice but assures that justice will prevail.
We are starting this series on the eve of the 2024 presidential election. This study aims to reframe our focus from issues that often divide us to the ultimate issues of faith that should unite us. The lessons that Habakkuk learns in this writing are essential for believers to help navigate future difficulties by understanding that God is fully in control and that even though the day of calamity comes, a believer's trust can be placed in the Lord.

Freedom In Grace

Every year at Community Life Church, we set aside at least two weeks to bring focus to our Recovery Ministry. Celebrate Recovery is an international recovery program that follows 12 steps linked to Biblical truth. We believe that every person is in recovery from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits The ultimate goal of this series is to normalize recovery and connect people to Jesus. For each of the two weeks, Celebrate Recovery volunteers will participate in various aspects of the services. Rolls range from greeting, opening prayer, and welcome to sharing a testimony.
We invite you to follow this service and pay special attention to the testimony. We pray that you will discover someone who recognized their brokenness and decided to take steps toward healing. If you would like to find out more information about Celebrate Recovery or to attend a meeting click here, or for questions, you can email Steve.

The Gospel According To Luke

The Gospel According to Luke, is a wonderful reminder that God sees those that society often overlooks. Luke provides a unique perspective on Christ’s ministry as he brings the outcasts, the voiceless, and the forgotten to the forefront. As a medical doctor and historian, his writings capture not only specific details that anchor events in a timeline but also provide insight into cause and effect. 
In this series, our plans and values will be challenged and possibly disrupted. Insiders will be forced to reconsider their place and evaluate the condition of their hearts, while outsiders will be given a welcome invitation to see their worth and potential in the eyes of a loving God. 
We'd like to invite you to follow along as we consider the writings of this non-Jewish, non-disciple believer in Jesus and his invitation to know Christ. 

Under Construction

Most of us believe that if the Apostle Paul were still alive today, he would send us a letter. The mere idea of considering what he would write causes us to take an honest assessment and consider making adjustments. The good news is that individually and corporately, we are all under construction.
In this series, we will explore the life of the early church as described by Luke in Acts 2. The early church forged life around a spirit-led community that ultimately became the launching pad for changing the world. How are we similar, how are we different and what guidance does scripture offer to help us navigate the construction of life going forward?