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The Gospel According To Luke 3

In the third week of our study of T_he Gospel According to Luke_, we cover ten chapters from Luke 9:51 to 19:10.

In Luke 9:51, Luke transitions the ministry of Jesus from being centralized in and around Galilee to now on the road to Jerusalem. Jesus starts this journey by sending disciples ahead of him to prepare the towns and villages for his arrival. In doing so, the disciples learned to carry the Good News and practiced the lessons they learned. Conflict arises as Jesus intentionally confronts the religious leaders who were not caring for or reaching the lost. These clashes lead to a major disdain for Jesus by the Pharisees, the lawyers, and the Sadducees. Jesus uses this journey to Jerusalem to teach foundational messages about wealth, possession, faith, and discipleship. Sometimes, these messages were delivered employing teaching, but often, the point was made in a parable.

The ministry on the road to Jerusalem section of teaching ends as Jesus nears Jericho in chapter 19. Jesus makes one last big statement about his core belief for the lost by calling the chief tax collector, Zacchaeus, to follow him. Zacchaeus responds to the call with a willingness to make right all the wrongs he has committed against his fellow Israelites. Jesus reacts to his decision by reminding us in Luke 19:10 that “the Son of Man came to seek out and save the lost.”

As we consider these chapters, there is no denying that Jesus was on a mission. His heart was to reach the lost, and he was frustrated with anyone who stood in his way. This realization should cause us to stop and consider how we view our place concerning the lost and adjust accordingly.

The Gospel According To Luke 1

In week one of The Gospel According to Luke, we discuss key insights that make Luke’s Gospel account unique to the other accounts. Diving into the first two chapters, we get a taste of the intricate detail Luke offers in his writings as he unpacks the incarnation stories. The first two chapters read like a detailed investigation of the events that changed the world forever.
Prepare to be drawn into a great narrative that invites you to pull up a seat and bear witness to this catalyst event. Luke captures firsthand accounts and historical details of the days and moments surrounding the birth of Jesus. The stories, settings, and characters cause you to reimagine your place in the grand story of life and invite you to participate in the unfolding.

Under Construction 3

The stated mission of Community Life Church is that we love God, we love our neighbor and we connect people to Jesus. Our mission is the central focus in every aspect of church leadership and decision-making. With a heart to connect people to Jesus, we lean into the writings of the Apostle Paul to find clarity.

Romans <br>10 contains some of the most quoted scripture in the New Testament regarding salvation. These verses point to our core belief that salvation comes by faith. Paul follows this truth with the understanding that it is our responsibility, after becoming believers, to share our faith by carrying the good news of Jesus Christ to all the world. Since we are all still “under construction”, focus on this scripture strengthens one of the most fundamental aspects of our faith and enhances our ability to share the Gospel message with others.

Under Construction 1

The early church set the standard for what a true community should look like. In Acts 2, the writer Luke gives us a beautiful snapshot of what the early church looked like. The early church ate together, worshiped together, fed one another and served wherever there was need. Luke’s description causes us to consider how we are doing in our communities of faith today.
In this first message, we will study the early church and discuss how the Holy Spirit connected believers around the areas of gathering, grouping, giving and serving.

Ephesians 2

In his letter to the Ephesians Paul reminds the church that God chose Jews and Gentiles to be adopted into His family through Christ. Paul reminds those who believe to know the hope, the inheritance, and the power afforded to them as one unified body. But as one unified family, believers must live a life worthy of their calling as mature believers in healthy communities and healthy relationships.