Under Construction 2
Under Construction
Under Construction
The early church set the standard for what a true community should look like. In Acts 2, the writer Luke gives us a beautiful snapshot of what the early church looked like. The early church ate together, worshiped together, fed one another and served wherever there was need. Luke’s description causes us to consider how we are doing in our communities of faith today.
In this first message, we will study the early church and discuss how the Holy Spirit connected believers around the areas of gathering, grouping, giving and serving.
Most of us believe that if the Apostle Paul were still alive today, he would send us a letter. The mere idea of considering what he would write causes us to take an honest assessment and consider making adjustments. The good news is that individually and corporately, we are all under construction.
In this series, we will explore the life of the early church as described by Luke in Acts 2. The early church forged life around a spirit-led community that ultimately became the launching pad for changing the world. How are we similar, how are we different and what guidance does scripture offer to help us navigate the construction of life going forward?
Ephesians week 4
In his letter to the Ephesians Paul reminds the church that God chose Jews and Gentiles to be adopted into His family through Christ. Paul reminds those who believe to know the hope, the inheritance, and the power afforded to them as one unified body. But as one unified family, believers must live a life worthy of their calling as mature believers in healthy communities and healthy relationships.
Week 1: In the beginning of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul reminds the church at Ephesus to know the hope, the inheritance, and the power that they have in Christ. God, rich in mercy, has made salvation possible through the sacrifice of His son for both Jew and In his letter to the Ephesians Paul reminds the church that God chose Jews and Gentiles to be adopted into His family through Christ. Paul reminds those who believe to know the hope, the inheritance, and the power afforded to them as one unified body. But as one unified family, believers must live a life worthy of their calling as mature believers in healthy communities and healthy relationships., creating a unified spiritual family.
In his letter to the Ephesians Paul reminds the church that God chose Jews and Gentiles to be adopted into His family through Christ. Paul reminds those who believe to know the hope, the inheritance, and the power afforded to them as one unified body. But as one unified family, believers must live a life worthy of their calling as mature believers in healthy communities and healthy relationships.
This week, we conclude our Paul's Missionary Journey Series and study how he is transferred as a prisoner to Rome to await his appeal to Caesar. Along the way, Paul turns calamity and captivity into courageous opportunities to share the Gospel at an unscheduled stop and under house arrest in Rome as he obediently takes the next step in faith.
This Sunday, we will conclude Paul's Third Missionary Journey. As he rounds out this journey, he visits old friends and encourages them, but the Holy Spirit ultimately leads him back to Jerusalem, where he is warned that arrest and persecution await him