King Maker 1
The King Maker Series is a 6 week study about life of Samuel. We start by discovering Hannah and her desire to be a mother and follow the life of Samuel to the annointing of David as King.
The King Maker Series is a 6 week study about life of Samuel. We start by discovering Hannah and her desire to be a mother and follow the life of Samuel to the annointing of David as King.
The King Maker Series is a 6 week study about life of Samuel. We start by discovering Hannah and her desire to be a mother and follow the life of Samuel to the annointing of David as King.
Teaching with Jim Bell
Teaching with Jim Bell
In his last day with the disciples, Jesus spends his time preparing them for what is to come. In John chapters 14-16 (Farewell Discourse), Jesus offers teaching that clearly articualates the relationship between the Father and the Son, the Son and the disciples and the Holy Spirit and how we are to Abide. The final message he leaves with them is how the Holy Spirit will be active in this world as they live out the mission.
Teaching with Jim Bell
In his last day with the disciples, Jesus spends his time preparing them for what is to come. In John chapters 14-16 (Farewell Discourse), Jesus offers teaching that clearly articualates the relationship between the Father and the Son, the Son and the disciples and the Holy Spirit and how we are to Abide. The final message he leaves with them is how the Holy Spirit will be active in this world as they live out the mission.
In his last day with the disciples, Jesus spends his time preparing them for what is to come. In John chapters 14-16 (Farewell Discourse), Jesus offers teaching that clearly articualates the relationship between the Father and the Son, the Son and the disciples and the Holy Spirit and how we are to Abide. The final message he leaves with them is how the Holy Spirit will be active in this world as they live out the mission.
In his last day with the disciples, Jesus spends his time preparing them for what is to come. In John chapters 14-16 (Farewell Discourse), Jesus offers teaching that clearly articualates the relationship between the Father and the Son, the Son and the disciples and the Holy Spirit and how we are to Abide. The final message he leaves with them is how the Holy Spirit will be active in this world as they live out the mission.
Teaching with Jim Bell