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Author: Lee Ames

One Another 4

This week in our One Another Series, we travel to the Roman city of Philippi. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is one of the most intimate of his writings; he thanks the church for financially supporting the spread of the Gospel while inviting them to participate in the Gospel by having the same mind as Christ. The One Another statements in this letter are focused on the needs of others: Regard one another as better and look to the interests of one another. For Paul, these two statements embody the work of Christ.

One Another 3

This week in our One Another series, we travel to the ancient city of Ephesus. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians can be divided into two main thoughts; God’s plan for humanity through Christ and humanity’s hopeful response to that plan. With an urgent plea, Paul invites his readers to put off falsehood and speak truthfully to one another because we are all members of one another. His instruction continues by offering a long list of life applications that ultimately lead to creating a healthy community that will withstand all the trappings of life in a polytheistic world.

One Another 1

Week one of our One Another series, focuses on John 13:31-35, exploring the command that Jesus gives to his disciples to, “love one another.” Then moving further into the chapter to consider the prayer of Jesus in John 17 and whether the idea of being one is connected to the command of loving one another.

One Another 2

In week 2 of our One Another Series, we travel to Colossae. In his writing to the Colossians, Paul utilizes four “One Another” statements to help the community deal with false teachers tearing down Christ's divinity. He offers statements: do not lie, bear with, forgive, teach, and admonish one another. It is clear that Paul believes that a healthy biblical community is the best way to combat false teaching.

One Another

One Another” comes from the Greek word allelon, which means one another, but also each other, mutually, and reciprocally. It occurs 100 times in the New Testament, with 59 of those commands teaching us how (and how not) to relate to one another.

James 3

The Letter of James is a deep dive into understanding what Transformative Faith is all about. James constructs his letter by pulling together many of his greatest talking points. This letter deals with many topics to include: faith, trials, suffering, family, relationships, wisdom… For James, faith is not just an intelectual ascent. Faith is active and transformative.

James 2

The Letter of James is a deep dive into understanding what Transformative Faith is all about. James constructs his letter by pulling together many of his greatest talking points. This letter deals with many topics to include: faith, trials, suffering, family, relationships, wisdom… For James, faith is not just an intelectual ascent. Faith is active and transformative.