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Author: Lee Ames

Beyond Me 3

Week 3: Priscilla and Aquila are two names not readily recognized from the Biblical text. This ministry power couple was part of the Apostle Paul’s team of pastors/teachers who worked to spread the Good News of Jesus to the world. Their work was mostly centralized in Corinth and Ephesus, but leading the church was not their only responsibility. In Acts 18, the leadership of this couple was used to help sort out a new up-and-coming preacher named Apollos. This preacher’s theology was off-point, and Priscilla and Aquila pulled alongside this preacher and sorted him out. Moments like this protected the early church's theology and allowed solid theology to be passed on. Priscilla and Aquila were willing to go “Beyond Me” to protect the church and its teaching.

Beyond Me 2

Week 2: God’s way of leading often calls us to move before we know where we are going. Sometimes, only direction and sometimes just a prompting are all you have to move toward God’s next encounter in your life. In Genesis 12 and 15, we discover the story of Abram and how God reached out and found a person who would be willing to leave his heritage behind to allow God to become the lineage that Abram so desperately desired. Abram’s willingness to move set into motion what would ultimately become the nation of Israel and the bloodline that would produce the life of Jesus. Abram's decision to move was his “Beyond Me” moment.

Amazing Grace 3

God is the God of Amazing Grace. In this series we study multiple examples of God's Grace in action through out the history of Israel leading up to Jesus. This series focuses on the story of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Isaac, Jesus and John the Baptist, Jesus healing a blind man, the Triumphal Entry and ultimately Jesus offering his life.

Galatians 3

Closing out thClosing out this series on Galatians with chapters 5 and 6 brings us to finally seeing Paul's anger subside. He turns his attention from proving his theology of justification by faith to focusing now on future living. Paul articulates the difference between living life by the flesh vs. life by the Spirit. In this study, the fruit of the Spirit takes center stage as Paul invites the Galatian churches to stand and recognize that our flesh and our Spirit are opposed to each other. The course of life will be determined by which is allowed control.

Galatians 2

In the second week of our study of Galatians, we unpack chapters 3 and 4. Paul's frustration is still on full display as he accuses the Galatian church of acting foolishly by allowing themselves to be misled. Chapters 3 and 4 are the scriptural proof that Paul offers to establish that the Spirit is received by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law. Paul uses the story of Abraham and God's promise to bless the world through him as the anchor for his argument in the text.

Galatians 1

This week, we study Galatians 1 and 2. Paul's frustration with false teachers misleading the church is palpable as he starts the letter with a greeting that is all business. Through the first 2 chapters, he retells the history of how he received not only his faith but the revelation of the theology in question. It was God who orchestrated both. Paul ends chapter 2 by writing out his theology of justification by faith and not by the works of the law.