Forever Changed -Philip 3
Come and see! This week in our series, Forever Changed, we focus on Philip. Clearly, Philip was a visual learner. His desire to know God set him on a quest that started with his connection to John the Baptist but ultimately led to him being a disciple of Jesus. In this transition, Philip drug his friends along by inviting them to, “Come and see.”
Throughout the course of his life, Philip seemed to ask probing questions that stemmed from a desire to find a deeper connection to faith. On one such occasion, Philip asked Jesus to show him the Father. Philip’s question led to our deeper understanding that Jesus in fact was the revealing of the Father. His persistence in asking, his willingness to listen, and his heart to change ultimately led Philip to a place where he became one of the first apostles to carry the message to Samaria (Acts 8). This region received his message in such a way that it was said that people were hearing and seeing the signs that he did. Who would have guessed that a person so bent on seeing would be the one that others would gather to see?
What are we asking for God to show us? What is it that God has done that we are unable to see? And, How can we be more like Philip by inviting others to come and see?